A mathematical equation to determine the amount of sus someone has (particularly used for someone who's name starts with an e)
After using the E=(sus)² equation Edgars sus levels were crazy high
by Epicturtl3m4n October 21, 2021
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Mispronounciation of the word "pseudo". Most commonly heard in science classes.
"Hey have you studied about Pseudostratified epithelium?"
"A what? I dont think so"
"It is going to be on the est today! Are you serious?"
"Yeah what does it mean? Tell me KMK"
"meaning said here"
"OH!! you mean pa-su-e-doe stratified!"
by Kaung April 27, 2008
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Stuck up & Elegant. Being stuck up yet in an elegant manner.
"We look totally SU&E in that picture!"
by IcyIce September 21, 2007
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