A dinner-like meal late at night, after coming home from a party, or getting drunk.

Most widely associated with Domino's or Taco Bell.
Let's go home and order some Domino's for drunk dinner.
by drunkdinner October 23, 2009
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The act of getting drunk incredibly quickly, off of very little alcohol due to the act of missing or skipping dinner.

Typically arises as a result of going out for drinks with friends after work, or with clients after a meeting. This also makes the eventual embarrassment that much more harrowing.
Ben: How was the going away party last night?

Joey: It was good until I layed down for a rest on the dance floor?

Ben: What?

Joey: I forgot to eat something. I was totally no dinner drunk.
by JCashmere December 13, 2010
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An excellent decision. Are you bored with the usual mumbo-jumbo your grandparents talk about? Bring alcohol into the picture! It will spice up any conversation, and your grandparents will either think you're a degenerate, or a comedy god.
by drunkwithgrandparents November 25, 2017
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