That one abnormally short kid who probably has some sort of undiagnosed disability. He try-hards school but still gets 7/11 on English quizzes, but somehow is in a higher math class then every other kid his age. Also, he has been taking tennis lessons for 8 years and is still ass at the sport, with the excuse of "It's about technique". The only sports-related trophy he has is a "coaches award" for snitching on all the other kids in the lesson, except that there are no other kids and he just needed an ego boost. He spends most of his time in his room or on the couch watching YouTube, and is absolutely atrocious at any videogame despite playing them for multiple years on end. Don't que valorant with him because he will lower the group intelligence by at least 20%.
Person 1: "Bro who tf is that Drew C kid and why is he so ass at tennis???"

Person 2: "Idk man he's been taking lessons for 8 years. I think he has a tumor or smth idek."
by KeiKenchi July 27, 2022
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