When she's down on you giving a blowjob with two hands and she makes a gawk gawk sound.
"Yeah, last night _____ gave me double hand gawk gawk." Don't actually use this in a sentence, like.. for real.
by CaustGFX July 17, 2020
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During the action of sucking a dick where the person sucking places one hand at the base of the dick and then proceeds to suck so hard it creates a vacuum seal, the person sucking then begins to deep throat twisting the wrist twice. Twisting clockwise pulling up and twisting counterclockwise going down. This move works best on larger dicks.
"Man I was hit with the best type of blow job , it was a vacuum seal double hand twist gawk gawk combo 3000 It was toe curling!"
by 10/10gay March 12, 2018
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