When you've found the solution to a major problem, simply yell (out) or say "dissisilution," and the people around you, if there are any, will quickly understand that you've discovered the solution to your problem.

If you're sitting in the middle of Starbucks at 8 in the morning sipping a steaming hot cup of cappuccino, typing on your laptop or whatever it is that you do during your daily routine, simply say the word, and the people in line or sitting down, or around you should understand the fact that you've discovered the solution to your problem.

Other people will probably applaud you, or either assist you in fixing your problem, if you haven't done so before saying the word, but if you have, they'll salute or either applaud you - probably even both!

A: "Hey B, I can't seem to fix my laptop, could you help me?"

B: "Yeah, sure, Hand it to me and I'll fix it."

B: "See, you deleted a crucial system file. Dissisilution."

B: "Let me put this file back into the system32 folder so your laptop can stop being retarded."

A: "Wait, did you fix it completely?"

B: "Didn't you just hear me say "Dissisilution?""

A: "Oh yeah, that's right, well thanks for fixing my laptop."

B: "Yeah, no problem."
by Coleco May 1, 2011
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