A beautiful, sexy, stunning, leng girl whos extremely skilled in bed and manages to pull all the guys and get them to be all over her by using her amazing seduction skills. Also had the power to steal anyones man (will 100% end up fucking ur man). Also has really large and juicy assets (especially her ass which jiggles with every step she takes)

Boy: wys b buss me ur snap 😏x
Denusa: *smirks slyly and seductively* sure babe😚
Boy: You've got bunda styl🥵
Denusa: I know😘
Boy's gf: U SLAG !! THATS MY MAN !!😠😡😤🤬
Denusa: not anymore bitch😉😘
"denusa is a sket."
by samz2trappy March 12, 2022
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