Acronym, short for "Designated Piece of Ass".

The DPoA is a supporting actress in an action movie, 'buddy' flick, or any film by Judd Apatow or any of his affiliates. The DPoA's main function is to cut the testosterone down, and make aficionados of these films feel less gay than they actually are. ...And under ideal circumstances, get nekkid as much as possible, with or without any context.
Sandra Bullock is *never* a DPoA (unless you're a lesbian).

The best Judd Apatow DPoA was Katherine Heigl, in "Knocked Up".

Jessica Biel was the DPoA in "Next"; but you had to feel pity for her for being forced into necrophilia.

Sharon Stone was *not* the DPoA in "Basic Instinct"; Jeanne Tripplehorn was.
by Ben Dare August 18, 2009
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