vernacular term for the worthless, useless, and brainless academic promoted impossibly far beyond her abilities to National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State by Chimpy McDumbass during his Constitution-shredding, terrorist-enhancing, treasury-depleting, New Orleans-drowning, America-hating Reign of Terror (2001-2009 C.E.).
E.g. "I wish someone had released a mushroom cloud on that punkin-headed bozo Cunt-a-leezza Rice!"
by LeftWingDoc July 17, 2008
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Who that respectable Black yes-woman becomes in the boudoir. Watch out, Tiger. Grrrrrr!
After an hour and a half of listening to Cunt-a-leezza Rice's incessant screaming, I plugged up her pie hole with my wide white wand. Oh yeah!!
by republican horndog :-p December 2, 2004
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