A Cry Cultist is someone who gets upset over the tiniest shit ever.

These people get mad at Blood (gore excluded), Weapons, Any violence whatsoever, (Yes it is normal for a human being to be scared of this stuff but multiply this by 100 times more)

These creatures are wildly found on Twitter, Tumblr, Tiktok, and Discord,

Ex. "OP should of put a trigger warning *satire picture of character holding pistol jokingly*"

A cry cultist could be mistaken for someone for ptsd. but these mfs don't have ptsd, These fuckers use it for their own "aesthetic"

(these people are mostly around 12 to 17.) (fucking grow up)
"OP should of put a trigger warning *satire picture of character holding pistol jokingly*" (This is a cry cultist)

(this insult could go like anything you think of. Ex. "lmao cry cultist")
by BlitzBerries July 27, 2023
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