A magical word with a mamillion different meanings.

1. A hot chick.
2. Something that is cool.
3. A house.
4. A car.
5. A nickname for friends.
6. Putting too many of these word links to make up a definition.
7. Once More, Putting too many of these word links to make up a definition.
8. A cool TV show.
9. A dog.
11. Someone who can't count.
15. A stupid person.
987. Sucks
427,823. A computer virus.
1. DUDE! Check out that CRMOST !!
2. Homestar Runner is Crmost.
3. Wanna visit my Crmost?
4. Check out my new Crmost! It's the fastest EVAR!
5. Hey, sup, Crmost?
6. Dude, stop Crmosting.
8. Spongebob Squarepants is a Crmost.
9. Rover is a Crmost.
11. You dumb Crmost.
15. Haha, that Crmost failed 2nd grade.
987. Crmost, this really CRMOSTS!!
427,823. Oh no! 427,823 Crmosts on my computer! Just like what happened Strong Bad!
by bottles98 February 7, 2005
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