A species of shitty person . Their typical appearance consists of fat face usually covered in acne scars or a Looking like pre pubescent overweight nine year boy. The face tends to paired with greasy hair from lack

Of showering. They tend to all look very very similar regardless of their sex. Their hobbies include: pretending to have mental disorders they have never been diagnosed with and know jack jack shit about(autism,DID,BPD,schizophrenia, psychosis etc)
They will also blame their actions on their disorders that they have self diagnosed. They are typically very manipulative,entitled,toxic and immature. They make everyone around them uncomfortable . When in love they will stalk person ,try guilting, follow them around,barge into life and get visually angry and lash out. They can't take no for n answer and throw tamtrums. Another thing to note is they are very co dependent and need to be in a relationship dispite their hideous appernce and poor hygiene. They will ask anyone out and refuse to break up out of bad relationships because co dependency.
They typically can be found in these communities
Pro pedophilia
Lgbt groups
Five nights at fredy's
Feminist groups
Autism groups
Social justice
Your school lunchroom
That girl is a total cribowl! She so crazy she diagnosed herself with autism! Hold your nose she's waking this way.
by Ihavafrenchexam April 20, 2019
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