Coronacaust denial is the act of minimizing or denying the death of hundreads of thousands of victims during The Coronacaust of the 2020's. Coronacaust deniers make one or more of the following false and baseless statements:

-The US government/state/hospital officials are lieing, counting every death from Cancer to Suicide as "caused by the virus".

-Countries with low numbers of Coronavirus deaths are lieing, hiding thier true number of deaths to make America look bad.

-People die, it's part of life, and the Corona virus is no different than the seasonal flu.

-(Coronavirus symptoms) are also linked to vaxxines, I’d be interested in seeing if these victims got shots recently...

-CV19 only effects the old and sick who were going to die anyway.

-I think the numbers are about half what they're claiming, just my gut feeling...

Coronacaust Denial is based primarily on Far-Right and Alt-Right conspiracy theories, Ageism, Ableism, Racism and Classism.
A Coronacaust Denier on FB posted a video of a chiropractor pretending to be a real doctor, who claimed the government is forcing doctors to report car accident and gunshot wound deaths as Coronavirus!
by Northerly May 10, 2020
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