Converstress is the stress that you feel after realizing you will have to confront someone with an issue. It could be the moment your boss calls you into their office. It may not be bad, but you begin to play out every possible scenario in your mind until you can no longer think of any other topic. You begin to doubt any argument you can have against the person and begin to feel that not talking to that person at all is easier than facing the problems head on. You do not necessarily have an issue talking to people in general but when given the task to confront an issue with someone by talking to them you become overwhelmed. When you feel converstress you can feel it in the pit of your stomach and your mind throws out all other valid thoughts except those that are related to the conversation you will have and it sits inside you until the conversation has ended.
I felt converstress over talking with my landlord about my lease.
by Mayhem2018 September 1, 2018
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