The inevitable result of strong Bruh Momentum. After cringe status has been reached, and a prolonged bruh occurs, the catastrophe of a Cataclysmic Bruhsplosion becomes unavoidable.

Causing massive amounts of brain hemorrhage and in many cases death, the Cataclysmic Bruhsplosion is one of the most dangerous modern occurrences. A Bruhsplosion in populated areas can result in millions of deaths from the impact, and even more from the residual bruh energy left behind, which is toxic to all lifeforms.

The only way to achieve this is with tier 4 bruh momentum, requiring a large bruh moment to begin with. Since 1973, the S.O.B (Society of Bruh) has outlawed even tier 2 bruh momentum, making a Cataclysmic Bruhsplosion rare in the wild. Since then, only 12, on record, have ever happened. They are most easily triggered by bad governmental policy.
Person 1: "Bro we should stop selling guns to midgets"
Person 2: "Dude that's so cringe"
Person 1: *Continue's to talk about it*
Person 2: "Dude watch out, you don't want to cause a Cataclysmic Bruhsplosion"
by Burrok Pnuegin October 10, 2019
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