Buck Finale is the ONE thing you do better than anything else, and THE thing you do better than anyone else you know. It's the main thing you do that everyone admires and it's the thing that brings you ultimate confidence, enjoyment and well being - because it is THE thing you do best.

Buck Finale is derived from the 2008 motion picture, "The Great Buck Howard", starring John Malkovich, Colin Hanks, and Emily Blunt. Malkovich is a has-been entertainer who demands that everyone refer to him as a "mentalist" instead of a magician. At the end of every show Buck performs his famous Finale, a magic trick that astounds everyone in the audience and provides Malkovich's Buck Howard with incredible enjoyment and satisfaction.
Sheet, bro! I ain't NEVER seen nobody get up in that like you, man. You be doin' that Buck Finale.
by Harry Thatchsquatch August 4, 2009
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