National Breakup Day

If you want to Break Up with your Partner, this day is the day. second day of August, 2.8, is the national Break Up day. So if you are searching for a perfect day to break up, this day is the day. Good Luck
Partner: Why are you breaking up with me? Why exactly now?
You: Because its national BreakUp Day
by YukiYuki8 August 2, 2021
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Breakup Day

When Nikki has broken up with you, and met someone else while you were gone on a work trip. But she still loves you and likes you… so when you get home from your work trip. Nikki spends a full day and night with you to love you, and go to dinner and drink and make love and hold you cause she loves you. You have a breakup day… then she leaves you forever for some looser.
Hey, I know I broke up with you and I don’t know what I’m doing… so want to have a breakup day?
by Mars2040 November 25, 2021
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