Bookchin Soulism is a soulist ideology that replaces the communalism (meme ideology) by bookchin communalism, bookchin soulism supports the abolition of most hierarchies as possible and is organized into eco-communes that participate in federalism, where most or all private property made communal, but still existing personal property as well. Bookchin Soulism believes that the laws of physics, chemistry, biology and nature should also be abolished by technology or reaching a high level of being, bookchin soulism also supports the evolution of humanity into a post-physical and post-spacetime society in order to overcome the most of hierarchies as possible and in order to enable humanity to become a full communalist society as well. Bookchin Soulism also supports that people are free to do anything they desire since it does not violate bookchin soulism principles and concepts mainly the one of mutual aid and mutual respect between all members of the communes.
"Bookchin Soulism is a form of serious soulism that's really common inside soulist community, at least by the ones who take soulism as a serious ideology , and also bookchin soulism seeks to distance itself for the communalism (meme) and embrace the bookchin communalism that's not the meme version of communalism."
by Full Monteirism June 7, 2021
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