Noun and Exclamation: To suddenly and unexpectedly become exceptionally excited and/or aroused. ‘Bonestrike’ can be both a physical sign of arousal (erectile tissue) and/or the surprise cause of the arousal. Like an air strike, only with more cock/fanny/misc.

Similar to semi in its range of useage, Bonestrike suggests a much more exciting or arousing situation/occurrence/bit of news/etc.
Human 1: “Wow, look at that exciting and/or arousing thing right there!!”
Human 2: (looks at thing and instantly becomes exceptionally aroused and excited) “BONESTRIKE!!!”
Human 1: “Ow, ow, my eye, get your diamond-hard Bonestrike out of my eye and put your bra back on you horny bitch
by Jonskipop March 3, 2018
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