The early morning and late night hours where guys make terrible decisions based on their uncontrollable boners.

(i.e. as soon as they wake up In the morning or as they lay awake lonely at night).
These ghosts have been coming out of the woodwork, but I don’t take texts sent during boner hours seriously.
by Larz in Charge May 20, 2020
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A drink made popular in Iowa which involves a shot of Vodka mixed with a full bottle of "5 hour energy drink." Legend tells that after consuming said drink, men will have youthful, erection-induced energy that should result in a phone call to a physician. Whereas women feel like they have just taken a hit of cocaine mixed with speed.
Guy 1: "What do you want to do tonight? I'm pretty tired."
Guy 2: "Dude....let's hit up some 5 hour boners and tear it up."
by Dr. Bulldog October 16, 2010
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