Lowly tech who looks like a walking chia-pet from afar. can be seen on friday nights tring to figure out how a Browning Automatic Rifle works on CoD.This usually ends in failure, for others lie in ambush using normal SMG's as sniper rifles.
Why hello thar, blacknute! is that a thompson in your hands? my my, my MG42 just loves those!
by ~~~~llSmithll~~~~~ February 18, 2005
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Blacknuts or more commonly referred to as negro nuts is the ball sack of any brown person. Flavors include Mexicans, African american and Latino. Pubes are usually long enough to strangle a dog and nuts usually oval shaped.
Guy 1- I got strangled by a mexicans pubes last night
Guy 2- Where they blacknuts
Guy 1- Yos Boi
by Wowen alt 1895 November 27, 2018
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