Manga distributed by Tokyopop. It's about a young girl named Dinah who suffers from some sort of mental illness. She is orphaned and living with her aunt in the town of Bizenghast. Her only friend appears to be a boy named Vincent who lives on his own. The tow find a hidden mausoleum and are forced into working for it with help of a "Guardian" named Edaniel. Their job is to "free" the souls or the ghosts trapped in the mausoleum.
Oh my god, I can't wait for the next volume of Bizenghast to come out!
by marriennette November 11, 2007
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A thirteen to fifteen year old girl who leans towards older men in their 40s or 50s and up.
That bizenghast is dating a thirty year old
by Cuteren27 July 24, 2022
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