A menu item at Mcdonalds when the ice cream machine is broke
"Can I get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh borger"
by #@#&% December 7, 2017
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A slang like word for burger
"Hey mom can I get a borger?" "I love eating borgers!"
by berenluigiironman September 26, 2020
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The precursor to all of existence, and the father of all time.
"Even when the humans are gone, Borger will remain."
by The First Borger May 1, 2018
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Verb: To attack someone with a huge fucking hug out of nowhere.
Dude i was walking down the hallway and brian fucking borgered me man, it was nuts... But i kinda liked it.
by MKellso October 17, 2004
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1. a person who practices unethical journalism
2. The act of misinformation.
3. Misinforming due to lack of high ethical standards.
Gloria Borger is a huge borger.
Don't be a borger and write that!
She's bogering the interview!
by SolgartheDestroyer January 8, 2012
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someone who is constantly mad or upset
someone who can never be satisfied and complains about everything all the time
Todd can never be satisfied, he's a total borger.
by Mike Leffy Jr February 14, 2011
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