A non-perfect guy who had so many talents that makes everyone jealous of him. His very wise attitude makes some stupid girls easily dump him without even thinking twice. Poor him- but yet everyone loves Azid for his warm and friendly character.
I’m so envy with Azid. He is so talented.
by Jay Mussel December 29, 2017
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Can't write about something that has already exploded.

A: Can i tell you a bar joke?
B: Yes.
A: Azidoazide azide-
(Audible explosion)
A:Wait, what bar?
B: Oh fuck. We're screwed, the police will find out.
by yet_another_potato February 19, 2019
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Silver azide can be prepared by treating an aqueous solution of silver nitrate with sodium azide.The silver azide precipitates as a white solid, leaving sodium nitrate in solution. Silver azide is the chemical compound with the formula AgN3. This colorless solid is a well-known explosive.
"Silver Azide can also be known as Argentous Azide."
by Vexacon June 18, 2021
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I had some azid last night. It was simply wonderful.
by Put you are Name here August 27, 2018
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