The official language of the United States Armed Forces when off-duty. First documented as such by Tom Wolfe in his classic "The Right Stuff." Easy to learn and use because it has one main word, the word "fuck," which can be modified or used to serve as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb and gerund.
An classic example (not for the purposes of this entry) of Army Creole is the legendary exclamation of a platoon sergeant whose squad's machine gun jammed during a fire fight in Vietnam - "Fuck! This fucking fucker's fucking fucked! Get the fuck over here with the solvent and rag, you fucking stupid motherfucking fuck!"
An classic example (not for the purposes of this entry) of Army Creole is the legendary exclamation of a platoon sergeant whose squad's machine gun jammed during a fire fight in Vietnam - "Fuck! This fucking fucker's fucking fucked! Get the fuck over here with the solvent and rag, you fucking stupid motherfucking fuck!"
Fuck! D'you hear the fucking Ell-Tee just now? He fucking broke out in Army Creole after he fucking read our after-fucking acrion report. Fuck me! We're fucked, man!
by denver coonass March 19, 2008