(n) - A girl who is a peace maker. She is very loving, intelligent, and beautiful. She loves being a leader and loves attention. She often thinks a lot about herself and wouldn't just describe herself with only one word. This girl is very awesome and amazing at problem solving. She is also very witty and competative. Anyone who knows an Armela should bow down to her because she is treated like royalty and has much power.
by Armeezy December 3, 2010
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Shtrige,pjesetare e Peresise se Sionit e mbijetuar e Katareve. Rojtare e Gralit te shenjte. Shok ka templaret. Pasardhese e dantes. Momentalisht esht ne nje lidhje dashurore me Johnny depp. Urren njerezit
Armela,tmerr i deshmitareve te jehovait
by Opakarofli juaj April 14, 2020
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