Anakin Vader appears on screen during the prequel trilogy anytime that Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi padawan and later Jedi knight, wields the Dark Side of the Force
Anakin Vader avenges Shmi Skywalker after she is tortured and dies by the hands to the Tusken Raiders
by Vader2830 September 11, 2018
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You're a dumbass who doesn't know they're the same person.
Guy 1: Hey, remember the Anakin and Vader fight?
Guy 2: Uhh... What?
Guy 1: The Anakin vs. Vader fight, dude.
Guy 2: Umm... You do know it is the LUKE vs. Vader fight, right?
Guy 1: What do you mean?
Guy 2: Nevermind.
by Jotaro Rintaro December 16, 2019
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