1. The intentional insertion or integration of amogi into a graphic.
2. Making something resemble an amogus.
3. Point out an existing resemblance of something to an amogus, usually resulting in a permanent association with it.
At some point during the lifetime of Reddit's 2022 r/place event, the canvas would experience extensive amogification.

The amogification crisis of 2020 saw many internet users worldwide deeply distressed by this memetic hazard, causing them to perceive amogi almost everywhere they looked. From trash cans, fire alarms, letterboxes, tv characters; Nothing was safe from amogification.
by AmogifiedMailbox April 14, 2023
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Either to incorporate or hide amogi in a graphic, to portray something as an amogus or to point out something's resemblance to an amogus.
Many pixel artworks created in r/place underwent extensive amogification throughout the event's history.
by AmogifiedMailbox April 13, 2023
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