Typically a girl, They are very smart and easily underrated. They are very attractive. You’ll only meet them ONCE in a lifetime. They care hard, almost harder than others care about them. But it’s not hard for them to stop caring. They are always thinking about profit or success and thinking about helping others succeed. They are very fun to be around, good listeners, leaders and not followers, sing beautifully and are always very spontaneous. You never know what’s going to happen with them even if you think you know. They are very brave and not easily intimidated but, will easily intimidate you. They always keep it real in the boldest way possible. They are easy to fall inlove with. With them you’ll be promised of a good time. If you don’t marry one of them it’s your loss.
Even in a crowd an Alympia stands out.
Wow Alympia is very understanding.
She’s a very Alympia type of person to be around.
She has the personality of an Alympia.

Alympia is just Alympia, there’s no one else like her.
by IG: @lulrezii.ayee September 2, 2020
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