Alaysa cannot be defined with few words. Alaysa is all things light and laughter. Alaysa is the girl you want around for fun and silliness, one who takes perfectly normal words, twists them in hilarity to the point that other people make lists to remember her “Alays-isms!”

Alaysa is the sweet girl who all the animals flock to, like Ace Ventura. She cannot stay on a horse for very long, but she falls with such style that she doesn’t mind! She could write the book on falling in style!

She has a beautiful smile and an orneriness that is contagious.

Alaysa is one of a kind, a true-blue friend, and beautiful inside and out.
Whoa! Who is that pretty and hilarious girl with a crowd of people at her feet?
Yep. That’s Alaysa!
by True Inner Beauty December 5, 2017
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