Name of someone who is the perfect boyfriend. Adorable, charming, cheesy, compassionate, cuddly, cute, hilarious, romantic, smart, sweet, tall and so so much more! He likes to be immature, but he knows when he needs to be serious. He does anything for the girl he loves. He says what he thinks and sticks up for himself and loved ones. People outside of his trust circle may not like him or understand him, but once you get to know him, you can't help but fall in love with him. He's also a ninja.
"Did you see that Aeric ninja by?" - Girl 1.
"No," - Girl 2.
"Exactly! He's a NINJA." - Girl 1.
"Too bad I didn't get an eye full. I bet he's a cutie!" - Girl 2.
by HisCuddleBug August 6, 2011
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a trick or stunt that is both radical and performed in the air.
dude that backflip was totally aerical
by adamtheman February 23, 2009
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