When an adult's interests, behaviours and manner of expression (i.e. personal traits) are not so much different compared to their adolescence.

Adult youthism should not be confused with simply acting immature or childish. Rather, it is mostly referring to the positive and idiosyncratic aspects of adolescence. It is denoting the ways in which adults challenge (largely unwittingly) typical stereotypes associated with being an adult. For example, a middle-aged adult who still likes to build and collect LEGO sets or is still a fan of kids shows (e.g. spongebob) can be described as adult youthism. Personality-wise, adult youthism can be attributed to an adult who likes to acts silly in naïves way or is always playful and cheerful.

Adult youthism is something people often lack of. Sometimes the reality and burdens of adult life can make you forget the joy and freedom of being a kid, and the appreciation of the simple things in life.
My friend: So how are things with Claire going?

Me: Oh it's going great. There's something about her that I find very intriguing. She's soooo innocent, and I mean that in a wholesome way! She's never negative about things, only positive. And she's a very open-minded person as well. She also apparently confessed that she still watches Spongebob which is awesome because I low-key still like that show too. Generally she's just such a joyful and wholesome person to be around, she's like the epitome of Adult youthism.
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