7 deadly sins....Luxuria (extravagance, later lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath, more commonly known as anger), Invidia (envy), and Superbia (pride).
by blthrskt November 26, 2009
the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year...
the seventh second of the seventh minute of the seventh hour...
July 07, 2007
7:07:07 AM
Timeless Treasures
06/06/06 six six six
the seventh second of the seventh minute of the seventh hour...
July 07, 2007
7:07:07 AM
Timeless Treasures
06/06/06 six six six
by blthrskt November 26, 2009