Évelyne Brochu, aka petit chiot, aka life ruiner (day of the miracle November 17, 1982), is a French-Canadian actress who has starred in many films i can't quote since i was too distracted looking at her face when i watched them.

She became known in 2013 for playing a hottie hawt scientist and terrible spy monitor on the hit TV series Orphan Black, Delphine Cormier, love interest of the equally hot Cosima Niehaus portrayed by unknown actress (not Tatiana Maslany). After lover discovers her real identity by googling her, together they set up the Team Science MegaForce, being the reason why you started watching Orphan Black in the first place.

Although some are skeptical about her real existence since she never fucking shows up to any Orphan Black event she's invited to, eye witnesses refer to her as the proof that God indeed exists, and that he likes watching his people suffer from existential crisis while he lays on his cloud over the skies.

Early in 2014, a global warning was released on the "Ébro's effec", a highly infectious disease which affects everybody who acknowledges Évelyne's existence, specially tumblr teenage girls. The magical waterfall of gold atop her head which she calls her hair,puppy eyes and nose freckle have been referred as risk factors. If you are lately speaking in french more than you should, questioning your sexuality or wanting to repeatedly stab yourself in the face whenever you see a picture of Évelyne, you might be infected by this virus.
~I want to hug Évelyne forever and tell her she's cute, but at the same time I want fo furiously fuck her against a wall.

— Average citizen suffering from an existential crisis due to Évelyne Brochu.
by puppysestra August 15, 2014
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