A term used by feminists to mock products that are targeted for males

It's especially used by Liberals to describe something like Q Tips or Shampoos that has the word 'For men' and other shits like that as evidence that masculinity has became so fragile that they need to make a simple product look masculine, aside this whole 'Fragile Masculinity' being so hypocritical (considering the fact feminized products also exists everywhere in Supermarkets) the type of people are completely unaware of the irony that they're doing the same thing as people with Fragile Masculinity do, whine
Jennifer: Omg guys, Q Tips for Men actually exists?!, #MasculinityIsFragile

James: that can just be easily said that products like Shampoos for women are signs women are anxious about their femininity

Jennifer: OMG You're such a misogynistic, low life, sad, and pathetic Incel! I hope no one will attend your funeral!

James: Ah, the sweet,sweet irony
by z,,,, February 4, 2021
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