A mythical day that does not existing somewhere between Monday and Tuesday where everything will be settled
Uncle Mike said you will get your money, monday/tuesday

We never got our money
by Tower88 November 24, 2021
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Dirty Tuesday in the Midwestern region of America is a tradition where basically the peoples of thonse staes who are issued to act like jackasses, idiots, etc. The DIRTY DOZEN peoples also have to travle to every state and eat other foreigners shit and chemical waste. They also have to act like dogs and eat he dogs shit same as the DIRTY DOZEN ANIMALS. OH I also forgot to mention the reason why this tradition is on Tuesday of every yr is bcs of your mom.
Hey igggern._mallj how was you're day???

iggern._mallij: Oh nothin much mike the bike69 i just had to eat you're shit as well as you're dogs man I love Dirty Tuesday! FUCK BRO!
by Scrambled_ggiern.Chicky June 7, 2022
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When the day is tuesday and you shit all over yourself and are forced to eat it by a gorilla who is gay and so he kisses you sexually on the lips.
I had a dirty Tuesday yesterday. It was total ass
by JeromeandOrome August 21, 2022
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A dirty Tuesday is when u nut and spit in a girls anus, then she farts in onto a sandwich and you eat it like a condiment
by Big Dingus 05 February 20, 2023
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April 6th is national chipper tuesday! Go get yourself a kebab!!!
Hey, happy Chipper tuesday
by Chipperchipper April 6, 2021
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A very dangerous event that takes place every Tuesday that you have gym last block where you take a lot of edibles with three other friends and see what happens
by Toke master Johnson October 23, 2023
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When Jake let’s Timmy out of his dwelling.
“Oh it’s 9:32 time to let Timmy out”
Jake, “You don’t want to know what happens at 9:32 on a Tuesday afternoon.”
by JakeTimmyLover96 December 24, 2022
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