me wumbo, he she it wumbo, it's pretty basic stuff
P; You know what the problem is? You got it set to M for Mini, when it should be set to W for Wumbo
S; Wumbo? Patrick i don't think wumbo is a real word
P; You've never heard of wumbo? Me wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, it, WUMBO?
by uglystartswithu September 12, 2019
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Something large in size ; study of large things
PERSON 1: Ugh my screen is so small!
PERSON 2: Just get a new one that's wumbo.
by Doreofheme February 17, 2017
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1. Large; massive
2. To extend is size

Antonyms: mini
I wumbo, you, wumbo, he/she/me wumbo, wumbo, wumboing, wumbology, the study of wumbo? It's first grade, SpongeBob!
by Cezico January 27, 2020
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The Opposite of Mini
I Wumbo, You Wumbo, He She Me, WUMBO!
by William's E July 9, 2021
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1. Just Wumbo
2. To make bigger
I Wumbo, You Wumbo, yee-she-me, wumbo..

My balls began to wumbo when I played Minecraft for the first time.
by Wumbologist the fifth March 24, 2022
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A clan in New Zealand, that consists of Tu, Vincent and Miller. Wumbo day is on 25th of April, and is to remember those who died from Patrick's Wumbo Machine.
Man, that guy is so cool! He must be apart of the Wumbos
by Wumbi April 29, 2019
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