Person 1: Babe do you know what day it is?
Person 2: Omg it’s feb 12 isn’t it?!
Person 1: Yeah it’s National Füćk Your Boyfriend Day :)
by ibeslangin February 2, 2021
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Today you can prank your boyfriend or hubby that you wanna break up with him.
her: I wanna break up
him: what why
her: because i don’t feel it
him: dont leave
her: I know I’m never gonna do that it’s National Fake Break Up with Your Boyfriend Day
by Angels2sheisty October 10, 2023
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Got a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Fuck them on this very special day!
Person 1:Hey dude guess what.

Person 2:What?

Person 1:It's National Fuck Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Day
by gwagwazk November 1, 2022
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April 18 is the national day to send pictures of yourself in only underwear to your boyfriend- especially if his initials are ALM.
“Wow my name is also the name of a river in Asia, and it’s also National Send Underwear Pics to Your Boyfriend Day so I should send a picture of me in underwear to my super cool boyfriend!”
by Riverlover69 April 18, 2022
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