For all other human beings: fabulous, fantastic, amazing.

Specifically referring to former Washington, DC mayor, Marion Barry, "fantabulous" is the definition of a worst possible scenario. Shortly after Barry's personal publicist, LaToya Foster declared Marion Barry was feeling "fantabulous," it was revealed 57 minutes later that Barry was, in fact, DEAD.
Me: Damn man, I'm feeling fantabulous today! You: Uh, you mean like Marion Barry? Me: Aw shit, he's dead. I need to find a new word to use, huh? You: Yeah, probably. Me: The bitch set me up. Ok, I am the opposite of fantabulous! You: That's great!
by pseupseupseudonym November 23, 2014
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Are you tired of your old gay quotes?
Doesn't fantastic just feel like it used to?
Is fabulous already soooo used?

Then Fantabulous is for you!

Now with 50% more gay!

Order yours today!
That price is just sooooo fantabulous.
by Deltamon July 1, 2009
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when something or someone is both fabulous and fantastic at the same time.
the luxor hotel/casino in las vegas is "fantabulous" !
by missmajestic69 November 13, 2016
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fantabulous means fantastic and fabulous at the same time
"wow! you look fantabulous!"
by happy cheese woman January 8, 2012
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A cross between "fantastic" and "fabulous"
That book was inspired, wonderful - fantablulous, even!"
by Leez April 30, 2003
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It's a state of being fantastically fabulous. In this state you're so amazing that a word isn't enough to describe you.
I looked so fantabulous in that outfit
by girling May 5, 2016
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when something is so great and you cant decide weather to call it fantasitc or fabulous.
gf: that movie was...
bf: fantastic? fabulous?
by dmoneyyo November 18, 2011
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