Clint, a (male) name, like Clint Eastwood. A very attractive name, if you may.

However, Clint may also refer to "C-U-N-T." How? Welll, if you write/type out "CLINT" the L and the I create an odd-looking U. LI LI LI LI. See? So, you've got cunt. Whooooo, high 5!
o-m-g, he is succccch a clint fayce.

look at that clint. ugh.

Suzanna: OH MY GAWSH, what a clint fayce. look at that guy. YEAH, over THERE!
Angela: what? aw, don't be so mean. :(
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When slapping a Brazzer logo on any picture and calling it a “meme”. This only works when it something sexually suggestive in a comedic way however can also make no sense just to build your meme profile.
Brazzer logo... pic “clinting
by Mr.Wrestling mark April 9, 2021
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clit lint - also known as the white pieces of toilet paper left behind when wiping your vagina after urinating. Likely to happen with single ply or cheap quality toilet paper.
The stripper rubbed her underwear all over her body and then rubbed my face in her boobs....i got clint in my eye...
by Twat Tickler July 21, 2010
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Often when using leetspeak, or gamertalk, Cunt is mistaken for the word clint: (|_|/\/ 7 As the two words look identical in leetspeak, people often use the word Clint to describe someone as a cunt.
You are so crap at gears of war, you complete clint.
by James Bailey March 20, 2007
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extremely horny virgin man, obsessed with anime girls
by magicbroomowner October 9, 2014
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CLINT: (noun, adjective) A safe alternative to calling or referring to someone as the "C" word (C%nt). When written in capital form it gets the point across.
"You're being a total CLINT right now!"
by Shellbacks Club🐢 January 4, 2023
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