Excitement or something is going the way you wanted it to.
I made a touchdown!! w00t!!!!
by Blue Blazer July 20, 2006
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"I own the computer", corrupted leet speak for root, the name of the UNIX superuser.

A cracker who has control of the root user can perform any action on the compromized computer.

Used as a claim of eliteness amongst crackers.
I just buffer overflowed that RS-6000's sshd, and it dropped me in a shell. w00t!
by joseph bloggs August 1, 2006
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The owl says "w00t!"
by Nickel November 23, 2002
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a word we commonly use to get on the nerves of plenty computer junkies
by YellowJuiceSquadron September 21, 2006
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Originating from Shakespeare's Tragedy, Hamlet. In which the central character challenges Laertes, the recently bereaved of his sister, Ophelia. Hamlet uses the term as shortened term of wilt thou in the form of "Woo't."

Today used as a term of celebration, on the most esteemed interewebz and has been corrupted to be "Woot."
Woo't weep, woo't fight, woo't fast, woo't tear thsyelf, woo't drink up eisel, eat a crocodile?(archaic)

w00t, uber loot!(Modern)
by Morvin April 30, 2010
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Just as a gay man says "Yay!", a nerd will say "w00t!". Yet the majority of nerds are gay, so there lies another mystery.
W00t! I pwnz0red ur bu77h0l3 s1lly!
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An expression of joy over a victory. Orginally a gaming term meaning "we own other team." Spanish equivalent p0e now exists.
I owned that script kiddie w00t.
by P0e Masta August 21, 2005
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