A Myron Dias is usually the most attractive person you’d ever see. The best thing about them would be their love life with a great chemistry with their girl and a forever lasting love. Their sex game is the strongest in bed and something that would have u wanting more. Their most compatible are Aries and Capricorn’s. There is also a message about how Myron has also met his soulmate which also starts with either a H or A. ( highest possibility of A ) Aries and Myron will have a never ending love with the same goals and will be billionaires in the future. Their time in bed is usually rough and aggressive but very romantic
Omg that’s Myron Dias he’s so romantic with an Aries and will be successful!
by Dr Layla Harmon March 1, 2021
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Myronic laugh is the kind of laugh where the person laughing hits themselves, makes random noises and cries. This kind of laughter was invented by Myron Prineas and it lasts 1-2 days.
He was laughing with a Myronic laugh.
by Myron fanpage November 20, 2021
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getting really drunk and not remembering anything in the morning.
After 16 shots of vodka on st. pattys he pulled a party myron and forgot about his night running naked in the woods
by kcmmrn April 30, 2007
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