Expression used when someone tries to solve a problem, but in a crazy/absurd way that would most likely not work.
Matty didn't have money to go to the concert, so he went moonwalking on quicksand by robbing a bank and using his own car as a getaway car.
by _mynoduesp June 20, 2023
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pizza sliding in a backwards motion
freak 1 :ay, yo, u see that Michael Jackson looking pizza on the super bowl last night?

freak 2: yeah, he was doing the moon walk, so he was a pizza moonwalking

freak 1: no kidding sherlock
by jace-luna January 10, 2021
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Generally, whereby a group of lickspittles and enablers of a person (for example, a political leader) explain how they were always against such person but secretly opposed them from within their organization.
With Senator Cornyn's stunt yesterday it seems The Great Moonwalking - in which an army of Trump lickspittles and enablers suddenly explain how they were always anti-Trump but secretly opposing him from the inside - is actually kicking off two weeks in advance of the election. - Josh Marshall
by patchmonkey October 19, 2020
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