Girl 2“Damn why are the boys in my class more Caked up than me”

Girl 2:“I don’t know it’s kinda sad”
by CrazyCh1ck September 11, 2023
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The top definitions are wrong. Caked up either refers to:

1) Someone who has put too much makeup on their face, especially a concealer.
2) Being full from eating too much.

Has nothing to do with ass.
1) Amber went a little overboard with the makeup and her face was all caked up.
2) Timmy was all caked up after Thanksgiving dinner.
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its when you when the cake when youre eating the when you cake when youre eating a slice of cake and it gets all over and youre all caked up because you the cake went all over the place because youre eating cake
damn, im all caked up now.
by dingablongo October 25, 2023
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A promiscuous woman

A woman that has been with a group of friends.
Dude, your girlfriend's not even a thot, she's a birthday cake...everyone has had a slice of that.
by Todd Jacob Wilberly November 13, 2017
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Person 1: hey man, whatcha doing tonight?
Person 2: It’s my girls birthday, so you know what’s goin down.
Person1: oohhhh, eatin some birthday cake huh?
by Herroj21 December 22, 2019
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When your mom and/or dad lets you practice anal on them as your birthday present as they couldn't afford that new hot wheels play set at walmart
Person 1: Bro My Dad gave me that Birthday Cake and my ball sack still hasn't recovered
Person 2: Bro you're so lucky! all i got for my birthday was a Sex Slave
by dgarretson530 June 6, 2019
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When you stack up all your friends on your birthday and stick a candle in the top person's anal area.
That birthday cake was delicious! You guys are the best! Especially you, Dad!
by Condomant May 25, 2023
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