The work of the gods.

we thank you meme lords
God I love the meme lords...
My life is just a meme.
by ThisMemeNoOneLikes June 19, 2017
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Meme is a religion
Hey you know that Patrick meme
What one
by SnAckBoI March 12, 2018
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A word brought into popular usage because 1.) we got tired of saying viral 2.) we think it makes us sound smart to say it. Thus...

The definition of MEME = When spoken or written, a slightly subtle yet utterly pathetic way of saying "Look at me. See how smart and hip I am!"
When I hear a person use the word MEME, it makes me sad for them.

When someone uses the word MEME, the appropriate response is "I'm sorry."
by UrbanusHabitator February 17, 2016
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Person1: Meme
Person2: I love you
Person1: Shrek Is Love,Shrek Is Life
Person2: (ENTER NAME HERE) will you marry me?
Person1: Yes.....memes
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A internet sensation that can be either cancer or awesome.It can be a photo or a video.For example The Harambe Meme is cancer,but the Bad Luck Brian meme is awesome
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