My name is Craig Bennett and I'm a world wide business owner. I believe I provide so many price point services within my business that I believe I will be saving you more money than my competitors. I believe talk is cheap in majority of situations that don't include business so why don't you check it out and find out for yourself to know the real truth.
When I was a little boy growing up I use to watch a lot of college football so much that the first team to really catch my eyes was the Alabama football team. I always loved the way the team carried them self and how the coaches did to, but there was one person that stood out from the rest not just team, Coach Sabin. Coach Sabin was the goat of coaching football in general so much that he inspired me to be the goat of saving money while buying clothes, so you can look good, feel good, spell good. Why I was intrigued to come up with Craig Savin because my first name is Craig and Savin came from the goat himself Coach Sabin. So I switched it to Savin because I will be the goat of Savin money while shopping with me.
by Craig Savin June 20, 2024
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How burqueños from Albuquerque New Mexico say 7/11 as in the convenience store
Homegirl 1: Hey homegirl wanna go get a coke from savin Elavin?
Homegirl 2: oralé, símon thats wassup I'm down!!
by dabaddest575 August 5, 2023
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Adj. - Acting like a fag/ douche/ or an overall pussy. Derived from "saving up to be a faggot."
"Quit savin' up, and go ask that girl out!"
by Snow Monster January 13, 2012
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