a great 16 or 17 year old basketball player that plays for north central and george hill shes #1 in basketball
go rikki harris
by ,kvchfkjdsbvjcbg;kv July 29, 2017
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Harry kerr is a fat ugly boy who thinks he looks like jack grealish and he won’t shut the fuck up
Harry kerr is stupid
by Killergod123 November 25, 2021
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A human who always. loves. a girl called lola
And uses enough hairspray to feed Australia

Also retard
by Wcman February 10, 2022
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normally on the larger end of the scale who thinks he is cool but ISN’T.
Harry Roberts = He stepped on the scale and it said to be continued...
by Harry Roberts.... March 16, 2022
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Mid-masturbation with cats loose in your home, proceed to finish while said cat/s run through your legs, covering their fur in semen.
Person 1: I was at a party last night and I stroked the host's cat, but I met an unwelcome surprise as it seemed that someone had been careless enough to do a Harry, so needless to say I had to clean myself up with my tongue, in a cat-like fashion.

Person 2: Wow, you skirrowed it there mate.
by rentboythrowaway September 5, 2017
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To con somebody by taking an average product and pretend it's premium so you can apply a premium
Counter chick: " we need 1 large chillimcchillison pizza with extra chilli, but we don't have any chilli"

Cook dude: "All G surely I can just do a Harry on em from the place down the road"

Counter chick: "Nah no can do Sam will know, Jordie is coming in later though con him"

Cook dude: "Aight bet"

Counter chick: "Oh and stop calling me Shirley"
by Slam1554 July 28, 2023
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