pronunciation: g-h-o-ff

This word is used to describe something that is extremely exciting or cool, gof is often described as meaning the word itself. It is used when something is simply happy. The word originated from the Harry Potter (see definition) book/movie series. The short form of the book name “Harry Potter and the goblet of fire” is gof.
Examples gof usage: wow that shirt is so gof!
OH MA GOF THAT'S SO COOLIO (see definition)
by fartpoopfartpoop January 4, 2021
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(n.) Abbreviation for Good Old Fashion Sleepover
1: Can't wait for our GOFS tonight!! What are you bringing?
2: Me either! Magazines, nail polish, and pillows for our big pillow fight!
by buttercup1133 July 1, 2010
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To put cocaine in ones rectum
Yo i got cought by the cops but i goffed my cocaine
by Jonnighs May 13, 2008
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The Game of Football, ie. the one and only thing in life that should matter. Origins traced to Michigan, specifcly Metro-Detroit/Rochester area. Originated by Coach Calvin Gross, of the Stoney Creek Cougars football team
CG- "When I was your age I played the GOF with broken arms and legs just to prove how tough I was, and then I punted Korean people...ok someone tell him the joke..."
by Pete August 16, 2004
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The word chavs usually uses while talking to a goth, (or more often than not a person who is not a chav) mainly because they pronounce their 'th's' as 'f'. They seem to do this because they are mentally retarded!
"ei you, ya fwckin gof hed, wat do ya fink your doin lisnin, to fwckin gof choons, innit la"
by Nat L June 19, 2006
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The word chavs usually uses while talking to a goth, (or more often than not a person who is not a chav) mainly because they pronounce their 'th's' as 'f'. They seem to do this because they are mentally retarded!
"ei, you ya gof hed, wat do ya fink your doin lisnin, to fwckin gof choons, innit la"
by Nat L June 15, 2006
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