The best and the most powerful person from a game named Hardtime wich takes place in a prison and he poopms de mooskles like a pro. He shot 3 persons to death and beat 1 person to death. He is the best.
Have you seen how Bolk Bogan beat that guy up?
by VGaming7 January 4, 2018
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A bogan who has a boner or erectic penis.
Mrs: “Hey babe, do you like my new bra?”
Mr: “Ooooo baby, you just gave me a boganer!”

Mrs: “Thanks babe. Let’s get your snag in my pastry, and together we will make a steamy sausage roll.”
by the choccy milk charmers January 14, 2018
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The "Bogan Saruman" is an older working class, redneck, hard drinking/smoking white guy, who's adopted the long beard, long grey hair appearance of a wizard from the Lord of Rings.
Yeah mate, Bruce is a bit of a Bogan Saruman, but he's an an all right bloke.
by Muzzrelli January 21, 2019
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Sunburn or tan on the upper arms and shoulderblades, caused by someone habitually or suddenly spending lots of time in the sun while wearing a singlet or sleeveless shirt.
Went on holiday to Kuta. Look at the bogan shirt I picked up!
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A term for the way a bogan trying to sound sophisticated sounds. Usually accompanied by whiney nasal voice and swearing. To speak up from the gutter.
by pxylent March 18, 2021
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A Australian Launguage Spoken By 99% Of Aussies Mostly Used To Be A Asshole Or To Get Through To Someone With A Thick Head
oi look at those bloody bogan's
by AussieBogan420 October 3, 2020
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A slang Austrlian word for a hilbilly with a mullet living off durries and centrelink
did the bogan get his centrelink payment and durries today? if not lock the doors.
by cvcks78 March 10, 2022
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