Relatives you never see until there is a funeral in the family & they show up to act greedy, stir discontent within the family, or stuff their faces with as much free food as they can at the post funeral reception.
When granpap died, all the wake relatives we hadn't seen since gramma's funeral began showing up to see who would inherit what, to point fingers at who caused granpap's cancer, and to stuff their faces at the buffet afterwards.
by Ihor Ivanenko May 25, 2010
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Dar-Rel The living embodiment of perfection. He can fight he is sexy he is the most equipped person in his entire country if you're his mate your all good but if not then you're a
Person 1 "Yo look at that sexy guy."
Person 2 "Yeah damn he's sexy... wait is that Dar-Rel!?!?!"
Spoiler It was me
by Fizshion November 2, 2023
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