A quirky guy who is very nice and weird. Most girls just want to be his friend. He is also that one guy who screams like a girl getting a new phone.
Person 1: Have you seen Parker?
Person 2: Yah he is so nice
Person 1: He screams like a girl
Person 2: He is such a Parker the dude.
by Liz-is-funny February 13, 2019
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someone who is super cool but also smells like a dog.
that guy over there would be super awesome if he wasn't such a cool dude dog
by 509-919-7630 November 16, 2020
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A person who is not a dude but is trying to be a dude
By making grunting noises, this guy was trying to show his dude-ness!
by demonapurva February 18, 2022
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Platonic chemistry present in all dude-dude interaction, which contributes to compatibility and success in dude-dude relations.
1. "I thought you were going out tonight?" "Nah my dude chemistry with Chris is all whack now, I'm staying home."

2. "Hey is it cool if Jordan comes to?" "I guess man....that guy and I have like negative dude chemistry though."

3. "Man when you and Brock are together you guys are so freaking funny. Your dude chemistry is off the charts." "Dude that's weird, don't say that."
by spybat January 8, 2010
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He be greek, light brown haired, avarage dude that has no life. He plays on his PC all day and has only few friends, because ppl thinks he's wierd. He is politically unstable due to his country's state and also has a secret crush that never talks about.
Greek Dude #01: Hey look! Giannis is coming!
Greek Dude #02: Oh no! Run away! He's a Avarege Greek Dude!
by kwjzs April 9, 2020
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A female that has eyes like a dude, in the same way that Brendan Fraser or Chris Kattan have eyes like a bitch.
She's always trying to stare and look hard with the eyes like a dude.
by The Original Agahnim June 24, 2021
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Allan is the god that created "6.c" he is hardcore roblox gamer and does the nae nae on the haters.
he is from bosnia and he created butter, when you talk to him he will funny but dont make him mad he will choke you with a playstation pillow (ive tried it).
1Wheres Allan Bosnian Dude
I dont know
by VerySmartGuy123 October 21, 2021
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